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Gopi Top 20 Songs Download

1. Salaam - Gopi Waraich
2. Down To Earth - Sartaj Virk
3. Tralla - Gopi Talwara
4. Drivery - Gopi Talwara
5. Daily Dose - Gopii Sandhu
6. Shareek - Gopi Longia
7. Main Te Maa - Gopii Sandhu
8. Chete - Gopi Bhandal
9. Badi Mushkil - Rajender Kharkiya
10. WEED - Gopi Longia
11. Maa - Gopi Longia
12. Paisa - Gopi Longia
13. Laada Naal - Gopi Talwara
14. Kurta Pajama - Gopii Sandhu and Sargi Maan
15. Fake - Gopi Sandhu and Karan Aujla
16. 5911 - Gopi Longia
17. Thugs 4 Life - Ks Makhan and Gopi Sandhu
18. Gaddi Aw Shokin Jatt Di - Gopi Longia
19. Maal Maal - Gopi Longia and Crazy A
20. Supane Ke Mhaa - Rajender Kharkiya

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