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Deepi Top 20 Songs Download

1. Tum Mere Baad - Deepika Ojha
2. Tere Jinna Changa - Deepi Mann
3. Lay De Chhatri (Co-Singer - Hardeep Deepi) - Manjit Rupowalia
4. Main Charkha Katdi Ve - Deepi Mann
5. Pizza Hut 2 - Deepi Shah
6. Just Friend - Deepinder Madahar
7. Canada - Deepi Mann
8. Heer - Deepi
9. Sardari - Deepi Shah
10. Shoot - Gaggi Haibowalia
11. Vyaah - Deepi Mann
12. Aidan Pyaar Hunde Na - Deepi Mann
13. Attitude - Deepinder Madahar
14. Dukh - Deepi Mann
15. Aiddi Kithe Saadi Takdeer - Deepi Mann
16. Star Chore - Deepi Dharodi
17. Jatt Kurbaan - Deepi Mann
18. Yaari - Deepi Mann
19. Dupatta - Deepi Mann
20. Mitran Ne Nit Langhanna - Deepi Mann

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