Description: Masla Jhande Da Manmohan Waris, Kamal Heer, Sangtar Ringtone Download, Masla Jhande Da ringtone by Manmohan Waris, Kamal Heer, Sangtar Belong Album Masla Jhande Da released on 24 Oct 2018 in latest Punjabi Single Track. This song ringtone lyrics by Mangal Hathur and its music by Sangtar released under the music label of Plasma Records.
Download Masla Jhande Da Manmohan Waris, Kamal Heer, Sangtar HQ Ringtones
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FAQ about Masla Jhande Da Song
Who is the singer of Masla Jhande Da song?
The singer of Masla Jhande Da song is Manmohan Waris & Kamal Heer & Sangtar.
Under which album Masla Jhande Da song is released?
Masla Jhande Da song is released under the album of Masla Jhande Da.
Who is the music director of Masla Jhande Da song?
Sangtar is the music director of Masla Jhande Da song.
Who is wrote the lyrics of Masla Jhande Da song?
Mangal Hathur wrote the lyrics of Masla Jhande Da song.
Under which label Masla Jhande Da song is released?
Masla Jhande Da Single Track is released under labal Plasma Records.
Under which Category Masla Jhande Da song is released?
Masla Jhande Da song is released under Punjabi Single Track category.
What is the duration (playtime) of Masla Jhande Da song?
The duration (playtime) of song Masla Jhande Da is 5 Mins 22 Secs.
When Masla Jhande Da song is released?
Masla Jhande Da song is released on 24 Oct 2018.
How can I download Masla Jhande Da song?
You can download Masla Jhande Da song via single click from riskyjatt.
Tags:- Masla Jhande Da mp3 song ringtone download, Masla Jhande Da Manmohan Waris,Kamal Heer,Sangtar mp3 song ringtones, Download Masla Jhande Da Punjabi Single Track Song Ringtones, Manmohan Waris,Kamal Heer,Sangtar songs